
OAuth Accounts

OAuth with Scute

OAuth is an open-standard authorization protocol that allows third-party services to exchange your information without exposing your password. In the context of this documentation, OAuth will enable your application to authenticate users via third-party services like Google. This flow typically involves redirecting users to the OAuth provider, where they log in, and then redirecting them back to your application with an authentication token.

Incorporating these suggestions could help make the document more accessible, especially to readers who may not be as familiar with OAuth or the specific SDK being used.

The JavaScript SDK provides a pre-built UI for OAuth flows, as well as methods to start and authenticate OAuth flows that you can connect to your own UI. Use either of these approaches to quickly get up and running with OAuth.


To configure OAuth, sign in to, and select your app. From the menu on the left hand side, click on Auth Providers, then select the provider you want to configure and enable it. Enter your Client ID and Client Secret from your provider and copy the Callback URL and paste it to the appropriate area for your oAuth provider’s configuration.

No session

OAuth with Pre-built Scute UI

If you are using the pre-built Scute UI, the component will recognize the oAuth configuration and automatically display the buttons for the configured providers:

No session

Using the JS Core SDK to integrate into your own UI

JS Core SDK provides the oAuth configuration and methods to start and oAuth flows that you can connect to your own UI.

Getting the oAuth configuration:

Your appData has a property called oauth_providers which is an array of configured oAuth providers that are enabled and configured from

You can access your app data using the scuteClient.getAppData method:

// ... Redacted
await {data: appData, error}scuteClient.getAppData();
// [
//     {
//         "id": "google",
//         "provider": "google",
//         "name": "Google",
//         "icon": "provider-icons/google-icon.svg"
//     }
// ]

This will return an array of objects with the following properties:

id | providerstringThe provider ID
namestringThe provider name
iconstringA URL for the provider icon

Using this property you can render the oAuth buttons in your UI:

// ... Redacted
const [oauthProviders, setOauthProviders] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
  const getAppData = async () => {
    const { data, error } = await scuteClient.getAppData();
    if (error) {
    setOauthProviders(data.oauth_providers || []);
}, []);
return (
    { => (
        onClick={() => scuteClient.signInWithOAuthProvider(}
          style={{ width: "auto", height: 20 }}
// ... Redacted

Starting the oAuth flow with signInWithOAuth method:

To start the oAuth flow, you can use the signInWithOAuth method of the scute client. This method takes the provider ID as an argument and will redirect the user to the oAuth provider's login page:

<button key={} onClick={() => scuteClient.signInWithOAuth("google")}>
  Sign in with Google

Your provider and scute api will handle the rest of the flow and redirect the user back to your app with a magic link. Using the scute client verify the magic link as usual and log the user in based on the response:

const magicLinkToken = scuteClient.getMagicLinkToken();
const { data: tokenPayloads, error } = await scuteClient.verifyMagicLinkToken(
if (error) {
await scuteClient.signInWithTokenPayload(tokenPayloads.authPayload);
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